La ricerca ha trovato 68 risultati

da Inghese
ven dic 29, 2023 5:30 pm
Forum: Ornieuropa
Argomento: Rivista Ornieuropa 32
Risposte: 6
Visite : 4851

Re: Rivista Ornieuropa 32

Well done my compliments :roll:
da Inghese
dom dic 24, 2023 10:00 am
Forum: Notizie e Comunicazioni dalla Federazione
Argomento: Buona feste 2023/2024....
Risposte: 43
Visite : 10809

Re: Buona feste 2023/2024....

Buone feste
da Inghese
gio lug 13, 2023 12:53 pm
Forum: Foto e video
Argomento: Great slaty woodpecker | M'' Kaladungi,
Risposte: 0
Visite : 4704

Great slaty woodpecker | M'' Kaladungi,

Great slaty woodpecker | M''
June 23
da Inghese
mer lug 05, 2023 2:11 pm
Forum: Esotici
Argomento: Uraeginthus bengalus - Il cordon blu
Risposte: 6
Visite : 4874

Re: Uraeginthus bengalus - Il cordon blu

We are talking about the Granatino (Uraeginthus granatina (Linnaeus, 1766). Difficult to acclimatize, once well acclimatized it does not present particular maintenance difficulties. Some texts insist in advising to keep the subjects at a uniform temperature which in winter must not drop below 18 deg...
da Inghese
mar lug 04, 2023 8:10 pm
Forum: Qui potete fare domande e scrivere la vostra esperienza su altri generi di volatili.
Argomento: Petronia petronia (Linneo 1766)
Risposte: 0
Visite : 2843

Petronia petronia (Linneo 1766)

Petronia petronia (Linneo 1766) Similar in size to the house sparrow, from which it immediately differs due to the different colouration of the mantle and for a spot of a beautiful citrine yellow on the top chest more or less developed and in any case of greater amplitude in the males, however not e...
da Inghese
lun lug 03, 2023 9:51 pm
Forum: Canarini
Argomento: Cosa ve ne pare di questa Nero rosso mosaico
Risposte: 8
Visite : 4787

Re: Cosa ve ne pare di questa Nero rosso mosaico

frosted female that comes from intense mating x mosaic.. if you want to have fun you can use an intense male.. if you want to make good subjects discard it too brown too narrow lines
da Inghese
lun lug 03, 2023 1:18 pm
Forum: Qui potete fare domande e scrivere la vostra esperienza su altri generi di volatili.
Argomento: Passer montanus (Linneo 1758)
Risposte: 0
Visite : 2852

Passer montanus (Linneo 1758)

Passer montanus (Linneo 1758) Stationary, bloody and in northern Italy also in transit, the tree sparrow, which it takes its vulgar name (mattus = drunk, from Low Latin) from its behavior strongly restless, it is a very common and widely diffused bird throughout the peninsula and the islands, scarce...
da Inghese
dom lug 02, 2023 9:16 pm
Forum: Qui potete fare domande e scrivere la vostra esperienza su altri generi di volatili.
Argomento: Passer domesticus, (Linnaeus 1758)
Risposte: 0
Visite : 2857

Passer domesticus, (Linnaeus 1758)

Passer domesticus, (Linnaeus 1758) It is the most numerous bird in Italy, sedentary, blood and partially migratory. Subdivided, how we have had occasion to notice, in various subspecies of which three in particular are of interest Italy and which differ from each other, degrading from north to south...
da Inghese
dom lug 02, 2023 6:54 am
Forum: Estrildidi
Argomento: ASTRILDE CENERINO (Euschistospiza cinereovinacea)
Risposte: 0
Visite : 2768

ASTRILDE CENERINO (Euschistospiza cinereovinacea)

ASTRILDE CENERINO (Euschistospiza cinereovinacea) in orniculture surprises are always around the corner, and so it happens that a species, thought to be missing, reappears from some farm as if by magic. Unfortunately, however, this does not seem to be the case, because there is a complete lack of do...
da Inghese
dom lug 02, 2023 6:44 am
Forum: Estrildidi
Argomento: Il diamante variopinto
Risposte: 9
Visite : 4782

Re: Il diamante variopinto

DIET: the usual mix for exotics, with the addition (if possible) of meadow herbs (the plantain is excellent) and ears of immature panicle. Grit and boiled egg shells must never be missing. Many breeders suggest giving Carbone Dolce or Carbonella in quantity (perhaps the latter is better) in small pi...